艾華斯的烹飪、文字、手作、日常小分享 Iris's little world of cooking, writing, crafting and exploring
What's the kawaii toys indeed~hahaha, that's why I have no kids plan ^^
This is a craft made by wool, easy to learn and have great flexibility and variations. You can search woolfelt or 羊毛氈 and know more about it^^
哈哈..............睇相我仲以為係隻小雞仔 , 原來係企鵝仔 , 點解唔係黑白色? 難怪我搞錯咗呢~!!
嘩~SO CUTE~我覺得轉下其他色~比起黑白仲好睇呢~
多謝欣賞^^ 小女孩都喜歡,不過佢話我個扣整痛小企鵝呢,要拆咗佢~哈哈~~
Thx thx ar!!!!
You're welcome^^
What's the kawaii toys indeed~hahaha, that's why I have no kids plan ^^
回覆刪除This is a craft made by wool, easy to learn and have great flexibility and variations. You can search woolfelt or 羊毛氈 and know more about it^^
刪除哈哈..............睇相我仲以為係隻小雞仔 , 原來係企鵝仔 , 點解唔係黑白色? 難怪我搞錯咗呢~!!
刪除嘩~SO CUTE~我覺得轉下其他色~比起黑白仲好睇呢~
回覆刪除多謝欣賞^^ 小女孩都喜歡,不過佢話我個扣整痛小企鵝呢,要拆咗佢~哈哈~~
刪除Thx thx ar!!!!
回覆刪除You're welcome^^